Colorful Canyons, Magnificent Mountains and Mesas

23” x 15”
Acrylic Collage
Every summer Gary and I spend at least four days driving to and from Payette Lakes in McCall, Idaho. Instead of requesting a prescription sedative, I employ my digital camera equipped with a 300 mm telephoto lens with image stabilization. This combination works miraculously well when driving the speed limit and the windows are clean. As we pass through the length of Utah, a cavalcade of gorgeous rock formations in every brilliant color imaginable unfolds before us. The vistas vary widely during each journey depending on the time of day and the weather. Rechargeable batteries and large memory cards are a necessity. My paintings from these images are not slavishly representational. Instead, they encompass the abstract essence of the experience which I believe has a more unique appeal.

9” x 6”

29” x 21”
29” x 21”
Selected Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 38th Annual Exhibition
Mark Mehaffey, Juror