Fix & Finish Your Painting Starts Workshop
Any level with painting experience
In the course of painting and studying, artists are often left with lots of promising or perplexing painting “starts”. For this workshop, participants are encouraged to bring an adventurous attitude and a number of unresolved paintings: realistic or abstract done in acrylic, collage or transparent watercolor. Rise will demonstrate a number of interesting techniques which will unearth the beauty in those hidden gems. Learn to edit, define and focus your painting, through paint removal techniques, cropping, line work and the addition of mixed media. We will focus on identifying the most successful areas of the painting and building on those strengths while employing design concepts and emphasizing dominance and consistency. Risë will provide several examples of her own reworked paintings with “before” pictures showing how the decisions were made and how paint was applied and sometimes removed. Any special paint products will be provided in sample quantities for use during the workshop. Much of the workshop will be devoted to painting time with individual instruction. The final afternoon will finish with a brief show and tell/critique so that everyone will benefit from the other students’ experiences.